This site is devoted strictly to affirmations for daily use. Feel free to e-mail any affirmations you may wish. Affirmations must be positive and based in the present or past tenses.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
I now release anger in peace and harmony, freeing my body, heart, and soul from negative energy and filling them with positive energy and kindness.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
I will become a wonderful saxophone player in peace and harmony.
I've been a technology & science geek since I saw the Apollo Moon landing in 3rd grade Summer school. Radar tech at 17 years old, 21 tears in Telecommunications, building web sites in Blogger & Wordpress, PC repair, and lately, studying and teaching Information Technology. I'm a one-tour Air Force veteran and a member of Civil Air Patrol. I have written poetry for nearly two decades, and I draw and paint a bit. Married for 19 years (so far) with one son and one stepson. I'm also a bookworm from way, way back, and love hard science fiction, space operas, and fantasy.